Ellul & The Bible: 2018 IJES Conference

Speaker(s): Albert Moritz, Andrew Goddard, Christian Roy, Daniel Cerezuelle, David Gill, Frederic Rognon, Jerome Ellul, Walter Brueggemann
Date: Summer 2018
Length: 8h 13m
Product ID: RGDL4821S

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Jacques Ellul is best known as one of the premier voices of the twentieth century analyzing the emergence, characteristics, and challenges of the 'technological society' - the growing and seemingly irresistible dominance of technological tools, processes, and values over the whole of life and the whole of the world. But the Bordeaux sociologist simultaneously produced almost as many works of biblical study and reflection as he did regarding works of sociology. In these studies Ellul delivered brilliantly creative insights as well as provocative challenges to traditional theology.

All serious students of Ellul, whether part of faith communities like Ellul himself (in the French Reformed Church) or not (like his colleague and best friend Bernard Charbonneau), have found interaction with his theological writings an essential complement to the study of his great sociological works. This conference was a multi-perspectival hearing of Scripture stimulated by Ellul's works.

Contents Include:

A- David Gill, 'Scripture & Word of God in Ellul's Writings'

B- Christian Roy, 'Nature & Scripture in Bernard Charbonneau'

C- F. Rognon, 'Ellul, Hermeneutics, & the Analogy of Faith'

D- Albert Moritz, 'Ellul's Apocalypse in Poetry and Biblical Exegesis'

E- John Brueggemann reading 'The Conflict between Techne and Metis' by Walter Brueggemann

F- Andrew Goddard on I & II Samuel

G- Daniel Cerezuelle on Sarx

H- Jerome Ellul, 'Update on the Jacques Ellul Archives: Manuscripts and more!'

I- 'Where Are We, Where Do We Go From Here?' Panelists: F. Rognon, Andrew Goddard, Bruce Mackay, David Gill, Stephanie Bennett

See All Audio by Albert Moritz Andrew Goddard Christian Roy Daniel Cerezuelle David Gill Frederic Rognon Jerome Ellul Walter Brueggemann

Albert Moritz is the Blake C. Goldring Professor of the Arts and Society at Victoria University in the University of Toronto. He is primarily a poet; his work has earned the Guggenheim Fellowship, the Award in Literature of the American Academy of Arts and Letters, the Griffin Poetry Prize, and other recognitions. His The Sparrow: Selected Poems will appear in spring 2018. His nonfiction and scholarly works (some written in collaboration with Dr. Theresa Moritz) include biographies of Emma Goldman and Stephen Leacock, the Oxford Illustrated Guide to Canadian Literature, and two studies of sublime and picturesque landscape in eighteenth- and nineteenth-century prints and engravings.

Andrew Goddard is Senior Research Fellow at the Kirby Laing Institute for Christian Ethics. He previously taught Christian Ethics at Wycliffe Hall, Oxford University, and then at Trinity College, Bristol. Andrew studied at Oxford University, earning an MA in Philosophy, Politics and Economics, a Diploma in Theology, and then a Dphil in Theology for a thesis on the work of Jacques Ellul, particularly his writings on law and politics. This was published as Living the Word, Resisting the World: The Life and Thought of Jacques Ellul (2002). Much of his current academic work is focused on sexual ethics, especially within Anglicanism and its structures. He was ordained in the Church of England in 1996

Christian Roy is an independent scholar of intellectual and cultural history, an art and cinema critic, and a translator from several European languages, based in Montreal. A specialist of the French Personalist tradition, he published his thesis on its origins (PhD McGill 1993), having previously identified its Bordeaux 'school' around Bernard Charbonneau and Jacques Ellul as an early fount of the critique of technology. He has just completed the first English translation of a book by Charbonneau (The Green Light: A Self-Critique of the Ecological Movement, Bloomsbury, 2018), soon to be followed by that of Ellul's posthumous Theology and Technique (Wipf & Stock). He is on the editorial committee of the Ellul Forum (ellul.org). Aside from articles on George Grant and many little-known Personalists, he has contributed entries on them to The Encyclopedia of Modern Christian Politics (Greenwood Press, 2006) and Enciclopedia della persona nel XX secolo (Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, 2008), in addition to writing Traditional Festivals: A Multicultural Encyclopedia (ABC-Clio, 2005). Many of his texts are available online at https://roychristian.academia.edu

Daniel Cerezuelle studied philosophy and social science. As a philosopher he has taught the philosophy of technology in France and the USA and since 1991 has served on the board of the Socite pour la philosophie de la technique. As a sociologist he is investigating the social importance of non-monetary economy in modern society. He is currently the scientific director of the Programme Autoproduction et Developpement Social (PADES). He is the author of Pour un autre developpement social (1996), l'cologie et liberte: Bernard Charbonneau precurseur de l'cologie politique (2006), La Technique et la Chair (2011), and other works.

David W. Gill is the President of the International Jacques Ellul Society and served as Carl I. Lindberg Professor of Apllied Ethics at North Park University in Chicago. His publications include The Word of God in Ethics of Jacques Ellul, Peter the Rock: Extraordinary Insights from an Ordinary Man, and The Opening of the Christian Mind.

Frederic Rognon is Professor of Philosophy on the Protestant Theology Faculty at the University of Strasbourg and publication director of the review Foi & Vie. He is member of the committee of the Soren Kierkegaard Society. He is author of Jacques Ellul. Une pense en dialogue (2007, 2u1d48 ed. 2013) and Gu00e9nu00e9rations Ellul. Soixante hu00e9ritiers de la pense de Jacques Ellul (2012).

Jerome Ellul holds a master's degree in history from Universitu00e9 Michel de Montaigne (France). He is a multiinstrumental musician (piano, guitar, harmonium, organ, improvisation, and composition), photographer, and filmmaker. His site jayavermanprod.com exhibits some of his work. He is a member of the Association Internationale Jacques Ellul and is actively involved in numerous projects to preserve and extend the legacy of his grandfather. He is currently engaged in collecting material for a documentary to be titled Jacques Ellul: Technique et Theologie.

Walter Brueggemann Ph.D. (Saint Louis University), Th.D. (Union Theological Seminary), B.D. (Eden Theological Seminary), A.B. (Elmhurst College), is Professor Emeritus, Columbia Theological Seminary. Dr. Brueggemann has written extensively including A Commentary on Jeremiah: Exile & Homecoming, Theology of the Old Testament: Testimony, Dispute, Advocacy and Biblical Perspectives on Evangelism: Living in a Three-Storied Universe.

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