Spring Bible Study 2018 Day 5: The Prophets

Spring Bible Study 2018 Day 5: The Prophets

Hear the prophets afresh in the final Old Testament feature of our Spring Bible Study sale. 

Reading Israel's prophets is stirring, challenging... and often confusing. Get the most from these essential books of the Bible with our surveys of Isaiah, Jeremiah, Daniel, Ezekiel, and the Minor Prophets, featuring key Regent faculty and guest lecturers. Don't miss the sermons on select passages, or Bruce Waltke's overview on understanding Biblical prophecy.

OT Week: March 25 - 29
NT Week: April 15 - 19
See Day 1: Biblical Overviews
See Day 2: Pentateuch
See Day 3: History
See Day 4: Wisdom

Save 50% on these titles with discount code SBS1805, valid through Thursday, April 5, 2018.

Spring Bible Study 2018 Day 5: The Prophets Audio Titles

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